Friday, October 29, 2010

Jaxen's First Halloween Parade

Today Jaxen had his first Halloween parade at his preschool. He was very excited! All week long he has been asking if it was friday yet. Ron had taken the kids a few weeks ago to choose their costumes. He said Jaxen insisted on Spider man. I think he's the cutest and coolest Spider man ever! When ever he has some kind of party at preschool, we like to volunteer to bring treats. This time around we made brownies and chocolate peanut butter cups. He was very excited about that also. After the parade, they had the kids sit together and they sang some Halloween songs for the parents that stayed to watch. It was so cute and fun to see! I'm so glad that I stayed to watch. Ron has been working from home this week and I talked him into coming with me to watch. He later said he was glad I did, he loved watching Jaxen parade as much as I did. It was so fun! The begining of more to come! I can't wait!
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