Thursday, September 29, 2011

Brighton state Park!

One of our favorite things to do as a family is go to the ocean and beach. I love it! Since Ron has been working in San Jose we weren't to far from there. On the Tuesday we were there we decided to go. We ended up at Brighton State Park. Our original plan was to go to the boardwalk in Santa Cruz but when we got there and drove up to it we just weren't feeling it. So We drove a little farther past Santa Cruz and came upon Brighton State Park. I'm really glad we stopped there. It wasn't as crowded.

When we got there it appeared to be feeding time for the birds. There were many brown pelicans flying over head. It was really cool to see them all of a sudden just drop and dive right into the water. They were splashing all over the place. Me being an animal and nature enthusiast it was fascinating to watch.

This is a seal that kept poking his nose out of the water. There were a couple of them and they were so cute!

This was Jaden's second time to the beach and he still wasn't so sure about it. He once again was fussy most of the time. A few times he would settle for a minute to look around. I think he got over whelmed because he was tired. We were hoping he would nap in the car but he is the only baby I have ever known who does not sleep in the car. He loves to look around instead. Even though he is exhausted he rarely sleeps in the car. But we had fun snuggling while we were there.

Apparently the waters were full of something yummy because hundreds of thousands of birds came out of no where covering the surface of the ocean. They had joined the pelicans for feeding time. It was an incredible sight! Almost a bit earie as well. They swarmed all over. From where we were sitting it looked like a black blanket had covered the ocean.

The pelicans would swarm and fly right over Jaxen. They seemed undaunted that he was there. He stood and watched in amazement. As amazed as he was though, it didn't keep him from digging in the sand. That's one of his favorite things to do.

It was really a great night, despite Jaden's crying and fussing, it was still so wonderful to be there. I look forward to our next time at the beach!
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

At the hotel with Daddy!

The week before Jaxen started school we decided to go and stay in the hotel with Ron for the week. The boys had so much fun playing in the hotel room. We had fun reading stories and watching movies and playing games. It was a time for us to have nothing but fun! Jaden did fantastic while we were there. He slept very well during the night, only waking once and would be okay with his binky instead of a bottle. He also started taking really good naps while we were there. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that the curtains in the room block out a lot of light making the room very dark. I think I might have to experiment at home with this theory. Ron has been staying at the same hotel for a little over 3 years now so all the staff know him. They know me as well because we've stayed there before with Ron. They were all very happy to see us. They had been waiting to meet Jaden as well. It's so fun. It's like a home away from home.

Jaxen is such a great big brother and a wonderful help to mommy! He was very proud to help feed Jaden for the first time while we were there.

Next door to the hotel is a city park. It also makes the hotel perfect for us to stay in because while Ron is at work we can go to the park and just play some more. There's also a walking trail nest to the hotel. Jaxen loves to run across the bridge to get to the park. He'll look down and say " mom! take a picture of that!" He really does know that his mama love to take pictures.

Jaden also turned 6 months old while we were there. I can hardly believe he's six months old already! He's growing so fast! We celebrated his first half birthday with some gelato and whoopie and moon pies! Yummy! Jaden had his favorite bananas! Yummy yummy!

We had such a fun week with Ron in the hotel. It's always so nice to be there. Ron is always worried that I'm so bored, but it's quite the opposite. I don't have to do any cleaning, cooking, laundry. It's fantastic! Hopefully during one of Jaxen's school vacations we can make another trip.
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A favorite Pic!

I think this might be one of my favorite pictures of Jaxen and Jaden. Jaxen holding Jadens hand and Jaden grabbed onto Jaxens thumb. So So precious to me! I love my boys so much and I love seeing them together!
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Monday, September 26, 2011

2011 California State Fair!

July 31st we decided to go to the last day of the state fair. I love going to the fair. There is so much to see there. I love being able to share this with our kids. We love the arts and so everytime we go to the fair we make sure we see all the displays. There was a lot of talent that we saw this year.

One of the displays they had this year was this beam from the world trade center. It was a tribute for 9-11. It was very humbling to see. Probably the only spot at the fair that was quiet and peaceful. Everyone seemed to treat the area with a sort of reverence. We were amazed by the vast size of the beam. It was pretty big and only a small portion of the building. I'm very glad we had the opportunity to see it.

Of course, you can't go to the fair and not go see all the animals. That's on of my most favorite parts! This is one of the cows that they let people try to milk. She was very calm and pretty. I loved her eyes!

These are newborn piglets. They were a day old I believe. They were so cute and running all over the place. It was so fun. Jaxen has a stuffed pig named Jakers. It's his favorite stuff animal and when he saw the pigs he said "Look! There's Jakers!" It was so cute!

This is one of the newborn lambs. So tiny and so precious. I love seeing all the animals!

Jaxen and Tristan both wanted to milk a goat! I was so proud of them for trying! It was so fun to watch them. They didn't seem nervous at all and were excited when they finally got milk out! So so Cute! My little cowboys in training!

Of course, one of my most favorite parts of the fair are the horses. Everyone knows I love horses and I love sharing that with my kids. Maybe someday I will get another horse, but for now I will just enjoy watching them when I can.

Jaxen decided he would rather play in the dirt. He's a lot like me in that aspect. I remember playing in the dirt as a child.

As evening came there was a beautiful sunset. It really added to the magic the lights brought.The fair was such a great family time. Jaden did pretty good for the most part. He enjoyed looking around, but at times he did get overwhelmed. He has a hard time napping when we are out and about. He did make it through the day though. We all had a wonderful day! Each of the kids played some fair games and won a prize. I love those kids win every time games, they are so handy and they make the little kids still feel good about playing! But all three played their games and actually won! I love seeing their excitement! It's wonderful! We also enjoyed walking through the fair during the night. When all the lights come on it seems like magic. It's also a fun time for photgraphers! It was great, photographers set up all over and as soon as the rides started with the lights on flashes and clicks atarted as well! Yes! I was one of them! I had a lot of fun. Here are some of my favorite ones I took. It was another perfect day!

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