Tuesday, September 27, 2011

At the hotel with Daddy!

The week before Jaxen started school we decided to go and stay in the hotel with Ron for the week. The boys had so much fun playing in the hotel room. We had fun reading stories and watching movies and playing games. It was a time for us to have nothing but fun! Jaden did fantastic while we were there. He slept very well during the night, only waking once and would be okay with his binky instead of a bottle. He also started taking really good naps while we were there. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that the curtains in the room block out a lot of light making the room very dark. I think I might have to experiment at home with this theory. Ron has been staying at the same hotel for a little over 3 years now so all the staff know him. They know me as well because we've stayed there before with Ron. They were all very happy to see us. They had been waiting to meet Jaden as well. It's so fun. It's like a home away from home.

Jaxen is such a great big brother and a wonderful help to mommy! He was very proud to help feed Jaden for the first time while we were there.

Next door to the hotel is a city park. It also makes the hotel perfect for us to stay in because while Ron is at work we can go to the park and just play some more. There's also a walking trail nest to the hotel. Jaxen loves to run across the bridge to get to the park. He'll look down and say " mom! take a picture of that!" He really does know that his mama love to take pictures.

Jaden also turned 6 months old while we were there. I can hardly believe he's six months old already! He's growing so fast! We celebrated his first half birthday with some gelato and whoopie and moon pies! Yummy! Jaden had his favorite bananas! Yummy yummy!

We had such a fun week with Ron in the hotel. It's always so nice to be there. Ron is always worried that I'm so bored, but it's quite the opposite. I don't have to do any cleaning, cooking, laundry. It's fantastic! Hopefully during one of Jaxen's school vacations we can make another trip.
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1 comment:

TeresaL said...

You have some seriously adorable kids! I'm glad you got to spend time with the hubby!