Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sutter's Fort

Last weekend we decided that we needed to go and explore. We went to Sutter's Fort. It is in the Sacramento area. It was like taking a step back in time. We went at a time when the actors were dressed up for the part. It was great. Ron and I love history and we love to share that with our kids. Going to the fort was a history lesson. We learned all kinds of things from how they traveled in wagons back in the 1800's, how they sailed in ships and how they trapped animals. We also were there for a demonstration of the canon. That was pretty cool to see. And not to mention a bit loud. Sutter's fort is named after John Sutter who settled there. He was an important part of history for this area. It was a fun adventure. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just got on!! This is wonderful! Thank you for sending the invite.... I will be getting on often to see these beautiful grandchildren grow and of course our most precious daughter and hubby. We love you so much, Mom