Thursday, June 12, 2008

Jaxen opening his presents!

Jaxen was fun to watch as he opened his gifts. I had painted a table into a road way and all he wanted to do was play with his cars on the table. He was excited to get more cars and trucks and a thomas train and book. He loves his bob the builder movie and loved getting his own bike! It was a fun birthday! I can't believe Jaxen is now 2 years old! It amazes me how time goes by. I still look at him in amazement and I love him more everyday! That night Ron and I thanked eachother for a beautiful son! Happy Birthday Jaxen! We love you so much and love having you in our family!
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1 comment:

E-n-B said...

Jaxon you are the cutest little birthday boy! It looks like he had a fun birthday party!