Monday, December 1, 2008

California Condor

We walked along the trail to the light house as far as we could go. They hadn't opened it to the public yet and to get to it you have to go through a tunnel through the mountain. We were stopped at the gate of the tunnel. It was a little disappointing that we didn't get to go all the way to the light house, but we enjoyed the walk so much that it was okay. As we turned around to go back to the car a huge california condor flew litteraly right over our heads. He just swooped and soared right over us for several minutes. It was really cool. We stopped in our tracks and followed and watched him until flew off into another spot. But it was so cool. I of course couldn't stop clicking the camera.
I was able to get several pictures. It was very neat. The kids were all excited because the bird really wasn't that far away from us. Several times it almost perched right by us.
We were amazed at the size of the condor and the length of it's wingspan. It was huge!
All in all, it was really neat to see an endangered animal out in the wild. For me, it was really exciting and beautiful.
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