Sunday, September 12, 2010

Capital Air Show 2010

So this weekend we went to the air show at mather field. It was really exciting! We got to explore some of the planes and see some stunts. It was really cool! It was our first time going so we were a bit unprepared. We didn't think about bringing chairs or a wagon. Next time we will definitely be more prepared. Although it was alot of fun, we didn't get to stay as long as we'd liked. My pregnant self didn't fair so well. I have a hard time walking when pregnant, my body tends to cramp up and make walking very hard and sometimes painful and that's what happened while we were there. I felt bad that we had to leave early, but I think everyone knew that I needed to go. Next year should be a different story, we will bring chairs and a wagon or stroller and walking for me should be no problem! Can't wait!
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1 comment:

Amy said...

The car crushing monster! How cool! My girls would be loving that!