Thursday, January 12, 2012

A visit with Abuela and Abuelo!

Well, this is a bit out of order but that's okay. The first of December Ron's mom and dad came out for a visit. They needed to go to the Venezuelan consolate in San Fransisco to renew their venezuelan passports. They came a day early to spend some time with us. It was a great visit. We took them to the California State Railroad Musem. We had a wonderful time. The first floor of the museum if full of actual trains. It's so much fun and neat to see the different trains and see their history. Since it was Christmas time they hung holiday wreaths on all the trains. I thought that was so much fun. The upstairs of the museum is all about toy trains and other vintage toys. It is so fun to see those. It really was like a walk down memory lane. Ron's mom and dad loved it! They pointed out toys that they remembered. We really had a fun day. The kids love their Abuela and their Abuelo and were so happy to see them. I'm so happy we were able to share this happy time with them.

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1 comment:

TeresaL said...

Fun! And what an adorable baby!