Wednesday, January 7, 2009


We had a fun new years eve party. We stayed home and played games and popped pop corn with Ron's new pop corn popper. Yummy!!!! Ron got the game Cranium for christmas so we played that as a family. It was fun. It was daddy and Tristan vs Kaeryn and mamma. Daddy and Tristan won. We watched the disney channel specials and then switched over to watch the Dick Clarks celebration in New York. When the clock struck midnight we blew our horns and went outside to pop our party poppers. Jaxen did one and it scared him so we went in while Kaeryn and Tristan and Ron finished. When they came back inside we drank sparkling cider. The kids love new years eve because it's the one night each year they know they don't have to ask to stay up late. They were all so excited it took them a little bit to settle down enough to go to bed. It was a fun night as a family. We look forward to this new year and the many adventures we will have.

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