Monday, April 27, 2009

more pics of the castle

I had alot of fun taking pictures of the castle. Here are a few of them.

This is the hundred year old vandlism. Note the date, 1893. We thought that was cool.
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Amy said...

If your kids ever say "Mom, we never do anything fun" send them to me, I will show them never do anything fun :)
Great that you guys have so many fun adventures. Lots of fun memories for you.

Glad you all had a Happy Easter!
And you can tell Ron that Kenna, Claire and I are all starting guitar lessons. Kind of fun - just learned the G, C and G7 chords. :)

Ange said...

I totally agree. We just do lame stuff. You know, like go to the park. Or play in the back yard.
Apparently we need to start reading brochures.
Glad you're having a great time!

TeresaL said...

That's awesome!

Ange said...

Sorry about the no cruz blog on my blog. My complete error. It's been rectified, and you are now - officially - a link on my blog :)
(What happened is the day I was putting those all on, about half way through I got side tracked, and never got back to it. So there's actually several more I need to put on. Thanks for reminding me!)