Sunday, June 12, 2011

DVD Player Time!

Jaxen and I have a deal each day. When the evening news is on, mommy gets to watch the news and Jaxen can watch a dvd on the portable dvd player. He really looks forward to this time each day. He is always asking if the news is on yet or if it's dvd player time. It works for me because I can watch the news with little interuption and Jaxen is entertained and doesn't pay much attention to the news. I can also get dinner made without him following me around. I think it's adorable though when he sets himself up and gets all comfortable and snuggles up on the couch with his head phones on and pillow. It makes me smile. I had to take a picture of him. This photo is one of my favorites, classic moment! I love my little Jaxen!
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1 comment:

TeresaL said...

What a great idea! He's so cute!