Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tristan's 9th Birthday!

 Tristan's birthday is on February 13th. This year since his birthday was on a Monday which meant he would be with his mom that day so we celebrated on the 18th. He really wanted to go bowling so we went bowling. We had fun. The boys of course had the bumpers come up when it was their turns. I learned that I rock at bowling on the wii but I totally suck when I'm actually playing. Even Jaxen who is 5 years old did better than me! It was still fun though. We bowled and ate pizza! I can't remember the scores. I really wish I had taken a picture of the final scores. It was pretty classic. I think I bowled a 17 maybe. At least I can laugh about it and more importantly Tristan had so much fun!

 This year Tristan asked me to decorate a cake for him. He's really gotten into video games especially Super Mario and Kirby. So I decided to make him a Kirby cake. I must admit I'm pretty proud of how it turned out. I didn't have an actual Kirby cake pan but I do have a soccer ball cake pan so I used that and then improvised. I originally wanted to make it 3D and have Kirby standing up but I ran out of time. But this worked out perfect I think. I had the half dome for the body and then I took the other half and cut the shapes for the hands and feet. I really loved how it turned out. Normally I let the kids choose what flavor of cake they want but this year Tristan just said to surprise him. So I made my home made banana and chocolate chip cake! It was fantastic! So so so yummy!

 We had a fun celebration with Tristan. I love to see him so excited! He has a fantastic smile that makes everyone else smile. He loves pizza, Mario and other video games. He loves to ride his bike. Tristan is fantastic with Jaden and loves to play with him and read him stories and give him huggles and snuggles! He has also become very witty this year and can always get us to laugh!

 We always have each of the kids choose a gift for each other on birthdays and holidays. It's fun for them to give and receive. It's also fun for Ron and I to watch them hug each other after they've opened their gifts. It's proof for us that they really do love each other. I love these two photos of Tristan hugging Jaxen to say thank you and then hugging Kaeryn to say thank you. Such happy moments!
 Tristan absolutely loved his Kirby cake! He was so excited when he saw it!
 Making a wish. hummmmm............
Wahoo! Happy Happy Happy Birthday Tristan! We love you so much!

1 comment:

TeresaL said...

What a fun Birthday! RJ loved the kirby cake too!