Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Giant Pumpkin Festival!

 October 7th was the last day for the Giant Pumpkin Festival here in Elk Grove. It was just Ron and I and Jaxen and Jaden. Kaeryn and Tristan were with their mom that day. It was really cool to see these amazing pumpkins. I remember one of the years we had grown our own pumpkins as a child. My dad had a fantastic garden that year. One of the pumpkins was huge. I think it might have been taller than my knees. It was really cool and we were so excited about that pumpkin. And until this moment it was the largest pumpkin I had ever remembered seeing. These pumpkins obviously dwarfed that one of my childhood. They were more than huge. They were immense! Jaxen thought they were pretty cool. Jaden is still a little too young to appreciate them. But hopefully in the next few years he will learn to love and be fascinated by nature just like we are.

 These were the first, second and third winners. Congratulations winners and thank you for sharing them with us. They were beautiful and amazing. It's fascinating to me to realize that these beautiful giants came from a tiny seed.
 They had the giant pumpkins gated off but there was this other giant squash outside the gate for people to touch and feel and admire. Jaxen climbed right up to have some fun.
 Jaden thought it was fun for a few seconds and then he wanted to get right back down. Now that he is walking he wants to go go go! It's so fun to watch him in his little explorer mode.

 Right next to where the pumpkins were there were bales of hay lined up in rows for seats. It was where people sat during the contest while waiting to hear the weights of the pumpkins and other giant produce. Since the contest was over they left the bales of hay and the kids loved to run around and play on the bales. Jaden gets so excited when he walks around and explores. He loves his new found talent.
Jaxen is still a huge Super Mario fan. This is his mario pose. I love it! He makes me smile.
 While we were there the farmers came to move one of the pumpkins. I guess they take them to several different festivals throughout the season. It was fascinating to watch them move this pumpkin. They were so careful and meticulous throughout the process. They definitely worked as a team. I think we can all learn from that sometimes.
Of course the pumpkins were not the only thing at the festival. They had some fair games and rides and various booths. We got some tickets for Jaxen and he went crazy for this hay maze. He figured the path out real quick but decided to go again. He laughed and laughed while running through the maze. One of the times he went through there was an older boy in there who chased him around. He thought that was the best thing ever. Watching my boys smile and have fun and seeing them so happy is one of my most favorite things. One thing at the festival that we missed that we really wanted to see were the boat races. Some of the giant pumpkins were turned into boats and they raced along in the pond. When I read that they were to have these races I thought that would have been a fantastic site to see. But we weren't able to get to the fair in time. Maybe next year. They do this every year. So as long as we are here we can make it to the next one. We had a lot of fun at the festival. We didn't spend much money we just enjoyed our time there. It was a beautiful sunny day at the park. The perfect way for us to kick off the holiday season. So much fun!

They had a celebrity chef there. He makes beautiful food carvings. There were these two little girls watching him and he made them a carving for their hair bands. It was so cute. I was really inspired by his work. I love art in all of it's forms. I'm no where near a professional artist but I try and have fun doing it. I enjoy seeing other people work and maybe learning from them or get my own ideas. Chef Ray truly has a gift and I am glad that we got to see it.

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