Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Happy Birthday Daddy!

August 18th, 2013 we got to celebrate daddy's 37th birthday. Happy Happy Happy Birthday to my sweetheart! We love you so much. It was a good day to celebrate your life with yummy chocolatey goodness! It's a day that wouldn't be complete without video games and movies too! It was great that you were able to be home on this special day so we could celebrate all together as a family. It was really sweet to see Jaxen and Jaden give you snuggles when you opened their gifts to you. Jaxen was so excited to give you your very own skylander figure. Now you can play together! It truly was a special day and we wish for you to always remember how much you mean to us. Our wish for you is to have the happiest day ever. You deserve it! We love you!

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