Monday, March 31, 2008

Decorating the eggs!




We ended up coloring the eggs after church on easter sunday. The kids decided they wanted to get in their jamies to decorate so they wouldn't color their new clothes. Kaeryn and Tristan had fun helping daddy set up the colors and then decorating the eggs. Jaxen really wasn't interested in the eggs, he just wanted to eat. Ron tried to show Jaxen the eggs, he still wasn't that into it. He liked his banana bread more. I think next year he will be more excited about it. Kaeryn and Tristan sure enjoyed coloring their eggs. They were trying to make them as bright as they could. After the eggs had dried Ron hid them around the house and then Kaeryn and Tristan went on their egg hunt. Jaxen wanted to play with his cars so it was just the older two. I think next year Jaxen will be more excited about the egg hunt also. It was a fun day for all of us!
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