Monday, March 24, 2008

sneaky Jaxen!


The other day I had bought a bag of M&M's. We were easter shopping for clothes for the kids and I brought the bag along to share while we were shopping. Well that started Jaxen coming up and asking me all day if he could have some more. He's so cute when he tries to say please that it's hard to resist. But it did come to a point when I felt he had had enough so I started saying no more. Of course he wasn't to happy about that. But he kept trying and I kept saying no more. after a while he seemed to be interested in other things. He was playing with his car and trucks. It was close to bed time and Ron had started a bath for Tristan. After awhile he came out and suggested that Jaxen come in with Tristan since the bath was in the big tub in our bedroom. It was then that he asked where Jaxen was and I said he was back in his bedroom playing. But I did have a thought that he was being quiet. Ron had gone back to the boys bedroom and the next thing I knew he started to call for me to come quick! Hurry, he said. I went back there and what did we find? Our little Jaxen had found away to get the bag of M&M's down off my desk and was sitting on Tristan's bed eating the whole bag. It was so funny! He was so innocent about it. He just looked up and smiled. When I got the camera he just said cheese! We had a good laugh, but the poor little guy sure had a hard time going to sleep that night. We love you Jaxen!
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