Monday, March 31, 2008

He did it! Wahoo!

On March 26th, Ron was finally sworn in as a citizen of the United States. Wahoo! We are so excited that it finally happened. It was a long process and it feels great to not have to worry about that anymore. We celebrated that afternoon by going to one of our favorite snack stops "The cookie jar" and Ron, Jaxen and I each got a cookie. Then on Friday night when Kaeryn and Tristan came for the weekend we went to the hometown buffet for a celebration dinner. Ron also rented a game for the Wii and we played that as a family. It was a fun night. Now that Ron is a citizen we are going to start working on getting our passports and plan some family trips to central/south america and other places. Because now we can!!!!!Congratulation's Ron!!!! We love you!!
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