Sunday, June 7, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Jaxen!

Jaxen turned three years old today. He was so excited and kept asking all day when his birthday party would start. He wanted chocolate everything. Chocolate cake and chocolate ice cream. I made him a monster truck cake. He loved it! He couldn't wait to play with his new trucks.

He was so excited to open presents. He waited patiently all day. He was excited to get more trains, and cars, and legos,and play dough, and totally trucks videos. Kaeryn painted him a picture and he gave her a big hug. He was really excited to get his own bakugan from kaeryn and Tristan. He and Tristan played together afterwards. It was so cute. It's almost a bittersweet moment for me. I love watching him grow and get excited about new things but at the same time I want him to stay little always. He is growing up and it is exciting to watch him learn and grow. It's so fun to watch him play make believe now. He is getting so creative now. His birthday party was alot of fun. Each present he opened he would exclaim " I got! I got! I got! I got!" We all had a smile on our faces today. We love you Jaxen! Happy Birthday!
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