Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pacific Rim Heritage Street Fest

A couple weeks ago it was also the Pacific Rim Heritage Street Fest in Old Sacramento. We being lovers of festivals went to it. It was great. They had asian dancers and performers of all kinds and they had polynesion dancers. We each got our names written in caligraphy and I bought each of our zodiacs carved in jade that i'm going to make into a necklace and that will be my "mother's necklace". There was so much to see at the festival. There was alot of asian art and jewelry along with all the other fun things that you see at festivals.
One thing that was a highlight for the kids( and me) was this monkey. He would shake your hand if you held it out. It was so cute. The kids just loved that they could get so close to a monkey. I loved it because not only was it so cute, but I love animals so much and I love to see them whenever I can.

In Old Sacramento there is an underpass that goes under the freeway. It's a walk way that leads into downtown Sacramento. The whole walk way is filled with beautiful murals. This was one of Kaeryn's favorite parts of the mural. It's really amazing to see. It was a very fun day. We love to visit Old Sacramento.
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TeresaL said...

I love the bright colors!

Amy said...

Okay, that little monkey is the cutest thing!
How fun for all of you!