Wednesday, February 10, 2010

King Tut exhibit!

The next day came the surprise of the Tutankhamun exhibit! I was so excited about this one! Ron and I both love history and this was perfect for us. The exhibit was at the De Young Museum in the Golden Gate park. It was amazing, beautiful, fascinating, educational! Loved it!!!!!!! Ron has been listening to history series while driving to work and he had learned about it and was able to tell me about everything while we walked through the exhibit. His memory amazes me. Ron's favorite part of the exhibit was the statue of King Tut's father and my favorite part of the exhibit was the canopic stopper of Tutankhamun. The whole exhibit was wonderful. Of course, we weren't allowed to take photos of the exhibit. They did have a published book of the exhibit so we got one of those to show the kids what we saw. It was a wonderful surprise.
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