Saturday night the kids had fun decorating the eggs. Jaxen really got into this year. I love to see how creative they get. Such great imaginations!
Easter morning the kids searched the house hunting for their eggs that the Easter bunny hid for them. They're so cute to watch. They get so serious about it. Like it's a treasure hunt. They had a lot of fun with it. This year instead of indiviualy baskets, the Easter Bunny left one big one for the family to share. The kids decided to use baskets they already had for their hunt. Jaxen decided to use his Halloween bucket. Why not?! It works! This is one of my favorite things about being a parent, it watching the kids excited faces on the holidays! I love it! It makes me smile!
The Easter Bunny brought Jaden this musical elephant. I hung it on his chair and he grabbed hold of it. It was really exciting for us. I know he doesn't realize he's doing it yet, but it's still exciting for us to see him do new things. The older kids were just as excited about it. They kept saying " look! look! He's holding onto it!" I love to see my kids play with each other! Happy Easter everyone! I hope you day was as memorable as ours was!