Thursday, April 3, 2014

Happy Easter 2013

Easter time is always fun. I love our little traditions old and new. Coloring the eggs is always something we look forward too. The kids love to go crazy mixing the colors. The artist in me loves to see their creativity at work. Experimenting with each color to see what happens. Sometimes the messier it is the more you have perfection!  We didn't decorate as many this year as we have done in the past. We found that we were making more than we could eat before they went bad. I think next year I'm going to remember to look up new recipes for hard boiled eggs. I love deviled eggs and egg salad sandwiches but I think we need a bit more variety. That will help. Jaden still wasn't interested in coloring any eggs. He still seems over whelmed with these things. He would occasionally come and walk around the table to see what we were doing but he preferred to stay in the other room. I do hope that next year will be different. That maybe it won't seem so overwhelming for him and he'll be more comfortable trying it. Either way it will be fine. He was just as happy and having fun doing his own thing. Which I think is more important. We all were having fun in our own way. Which is what doing this is about. Being together as a family and having fun with what we are doing and each other.

 Next year though, I'm going to remember to save some eggs just for me to do! Haha! I forgot to do that this year and spent the whole time behind my camera. I'm not complaining, I love to take pictures. I had just as much fun. But I did miss making a colorful mess with everyone else. And I do mean colorful! We had bright mixtures all around. I don't think there was one egg that had only a single color on it. Each one was unique in it's own way. They were all so proud! It's great to see them the next morning when we do our traditional egg hunt in the house and they find the ones they painted themselves. They get so excited. We actually do multiple egg hunts on Easter morning. After the first initial hunt each of the kids like to take a turn and hide the eggs for everyone else to find. It's fun and amusing to see their mischievous side come out. Jaxen especially. He tries to come up with the most tricky and sneaky hiding places. He's actually come up with some pretty clever ones. Like switching one of the plastic candy filled eggs out and replacing it with a hard boiled egg. I have a special stand that is kind of like a cupcake stand only it is for eggs. That is where our candy filled eggs go. I remember Jaxen hiding an egg there and no one noticed for a while. It was one of those subtle hiding places that actually worked! It was fun.

 Starting last thanksgiving I began a new tradition of making a banana bread breakfast. For thanksgiving I decorated it in fall colors with turkey's. I wanted to do it again for Easter but obviously turkey's wouldn't work. So I came up with this. I saw a picture of the chicks and thought they were so cute and adorable. So I decided to make my own idea with it. I made my traditional banana bread and covered it with a cream cheese topping and then colored coconut. The nest is monkey poop( no bake cookies) molded over a bowl and pretzel sticks woven into it to make it seem more like a nest. I must say it was very fun and exciting to see this come together.
One thing we like to do as a family is go to our local grocery store and each get a bottled soda. We usually do this on the weekends and will sometimes take a drive together while we enjoy our sodas. It's something that we also look forward too. So I decided that I wanted to have some fun with our family soda appreciation and I got each of us an orange cream soda. Except for Jaden. I got him an orange juice. To make them seem more festive and to go along with the holiday theme I made them look like carrots. Since carrots are often used with Easter decorations. They turned out so cute! I couldn't wait until the morning for the kids to see my creation. I wanted it to be a surprise and so I waited until they had all gone to bed before I started baking. Ron stayed up with me to keep me company while I worked. I love that he does that.  
Easter morning was full of happy smiles. The kids went crazy when they saw my little surprise for them. It was such a great morning. We had fun finding and hiding eggs. We had fun eating banana bread and drinking orange soda. We enjoyed sitting around the table with one another in happy conversation. It's times like these that you really want to treasure and I was loving every minute of it!  
       Happy Easter!

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