Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sleepy little one

So monday was a busy day for us. Our water heater broke so our landlord had to replace it. They were here most of the afternoon until dinner time. Jaxen was excited and very curious about what they were doing, needless to say it was a no nap day. He seemed to be okay though, no melt downs and was pretty happy. That evening around 7:30 or 8:00 Jaxen and I were snuggling on the couch watching some TV( I can't remember what). I decided it was time for me to close the windows and doors so I got up and told Jaxen I would be right back. It only took me like two minutes to close the windows and I came back to find this cute little prescious scene. He had fallen asleep in those couple minutes. I thought this was one of the cutest sweetest things ever I had to get a picture. Isn't he the cutest boy in the world?! I just love him so much.
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