Sunday, July 26, 2009

Happy 10th Birthday Kaeryn!

July 10th was Kaeryn's 10th birthday. It was a fun day. She loves to draw and make things so we got her some art supplies. Her own acrylic paints, watercolors, acrylic paper to paint on, watercolor paper, her own easel and paint brushes and drawing pencils. I also made her a couch for her dolls with plans to make a doll house. My dad drew up the doll house plans and sent them to me so that I could build it. The doll house plans are like the one my dad made for me and my sisters when we were little. I'm so excited to build it for her. Kaeryn was very excited about the doll house as well. She has been wanting one for a long time. We also got her some scrap booking things. I'm so excited to have and art buddy in the house. Kaeryn was all smiles today! We love you Kaeryn! Happy Birthday!
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