Sunday, September 6, 2009

Bodega Head

This weekend we went to visit Ron's brother and his family in Petaluma. They are only about 20-30 minutes away from Bodega Bay so we decided to go to the beach there. This is Bodega Head. It is so beautiful. It was an overcast day, but it was still beautiful. The scenes were amazing! We had so much fun. The kids loved chasing the waves and digging and building in the sand. There were shells all over and we had fun treasure hunting. The water is a bit cold so you really can't swim in it, but sticking your feet in the ocean was still fun! We saw several sea birds and a crab. The kids had fun building a fort wall to keep the water out. It was great to watch them race against the waves to build their wall taller. I loved watching the waves come in and out. Some of them were really tall. They would cover somme of the rock formations completely. I don't know what it is but there is something about the ocean and listening to it that feels so peaceful. I love it. I could have sat there forever. We had so much fun. We did have to leave after a while though, we went back to Ron's brother's house and had pizza for dinner and watched the BYU football game(Ron's brother is a huge fan, it was very entertaining to watch him watch the game). It was so nice to visit and chat, the kids were so excited to play with their cousins. They were in heaven. It was a fantastic day! Can't wait to go back to the beach!
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TeresaL said...

Beautiful pictures!

Unknown said...

pHolly, this looks absolutely breath taking.... Is this a place we can visit with you? We can't tell you how excited we are to see you and your family! Whatever we do will be great! Love you, love you, love you.... See you soon, Mom

Ange said...

I think that's my favorite picture of you and Ron.
TRIPLE cute!