Friday, April 29, 2011

The River Preserve!

About 20 minutes from our house is a river preserve. We like to go there and walk around and enjoy the beauty and peace. The kids like to explore and see if they can find any animals. The week my mom was here we decided to take her there and share it with her. The kids loved it. They rarely left her side as they wanted to show her everything they could. It was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for a nature walk. We loved every minute of it! It was an adventure getting there also. We got lost. Since I was on bedrest throughout most of the pregnancy, it had been along time since we had last been there. Ron and I kept telling eachother how we were supposed to get there and then laugh when we realized that we had yet again taken a wrong turn only to find out that had we stayed on that turn a little longer we would have realized it was the right turn. It was great! I'm so glad that we can laugh with eachother instead of turning it into drama. We had fun getting there as well as being there! I did pretty well I thought being able to walk around a bit after surgery. We did have to leave sooner than planned because I was starting to get really tired and sore. But still it was a beautiful day and my mom enjoyed it as much as we did!
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