Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Elk Grove Pumpkin Festival!

The first weekend of October Elk Grove had their annual giant pumpkin festival. farmers from all over gathered to show off and compete with their giant pumpkins. They were huge! I think the winner ended up being over 1600 pounds. I thought I had taken pictures of the giants but when i got home I found that I hadn't. Next year! But they were amazing. There were also giant watermelons and sunflowers. It was fascinating.  Some local 4H kids put together a petting zoo of the animals they are raising. That was fun. The boys liked going through there. I think it's neat that the kids will sit there with their animal and will answer any questions you have about them. It makes it a different experience than the other petting zoos where the kids have to follow the animals around. I love that my kids enjoy animals as much as I do!

They had a kiddie maze that the boys wanted to go through. They had a blast running around trying to find their way out.

This year was a pirate theme for the festival. They had pirate decor all over and even had signs with facts about pirates. I thought they did a great job with the theme. The map of the event that had all the venues on it was drawn up like a pirates treasure map. I thought that was really fun.

They had some really great performers this year. I think my favorite that I saw was this group of belly dancers. They had some really beautiful performances. Especially this one.

The boys also had fun playing the carnival games. I like that they include games for the younger kids. It makes playing them more enjoyable for the kids when they can play something meant for them. Both Jaxen and Tristan won prizes. They each played a few games. It was a really fun day. We even tried something new, pumpkin smoothies! They were actually really good. I might have added a few spices to it, but I am still glad I tried it. Look, even Jaden had fun!

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