Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Happy Halloween!

This year for Halloween Jaxen was a Ninja Turtle! You can see him doing his ninja turtle moves! Pretty fancy stuff! He has a fantastic imagination!

I made Jaxen and Tristan trick-or-treating bags. They turned out really cute! Over and over that night we would hear comments on how neat the bag was. Kaeryn and Tristan were with their mom that night so it was just us this year. We still had fun though.

We even got a smile out of Jaden. He was so tired. This is normally his second nap time. But we did manage to get some smiles! I'm sure next year will be different.

Ron had a general Grievious mask but he ended up taking it off.

I was a goddess of the sea. I had the mask made by a friend. It turned out so pretty.

We decided to give Jaden a bottle to tie him over before we went trick-or treating. He ended up falling asleep. Poor little guy, he was so tired. It was a precious moment because Jaden rarely falls asleep in daddy's lap. He is a mama's boy through and through. Ron was loving every minute of this! I don't blame him, snuggling with the boys is one of my most favorite things! We did let him sleep for a few minutes before going out. It was later than we wanted to but I think Jaxen did just fine! Happy Halloween everyone! Hope you all had a spooktacular time!

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