Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Jammies!

Another tradition we have is Christmas Jammies. We open them on Christmas eve and then Christmas day is our official Jammies day. We stay in them all day unless we choose to get dressed but since we all are jammies folk we all stay in them all day. This is actually one of the kids favorite gifts. They look forward to it each year and have been heard through out the month wondering what jammies they will get. This year was great with Jaxen because it has been his awakening year, he opened his jammies and exclaimed for the first time " oh these are so cute!" He repeated what his brother and sister had said. It was so adorable! All night he said that he thought his jammies were so cute. Kaeryn loves that she got a night gown. Tristan loves his dionsaur Jammies. We had to get him these because they fit his personality perfectly. I love this time of the night because the excitement in the kids eyes really starts to shine. They can't wait until the morning, I can't wait untill the morning! After we all get our new jammies on we settle on the couch for some Christmas stories. I let the kids each choose one and then I read to them. This year I was sick and loosing my voice so I didn't get to do the different voices for the stories but it was still fun and we had some laughs because of the sound of my voice. A few times Ron had to take over so I could get some sound back into my voice. But we made it through and we all loved it.
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