Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's SNOWING!!!!!!!

The kids were hoping very badly that it would snow while we were in Utah. On our last night they got their wish. Towards the ending of our family dinner it started to snow. It quickly became very thick snow and with in minutes the ground was covered. It was beautiful! The kids all ran to get there coats and shoes and went out to play. Kaeryn and Tristan ran around with snowballs. Jaxen just played but he soon got really cold and wanted to come in. This was his first time actually getting to play in the snow. When we lived in Washington he was still a baby and couldn't play in the snow. So it was like a new experience for him. I wanted to just stay out there and watch the kids have fun but the snow was coming down so heavily that it was hard to see. But it was still beautiful!
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